iP-8411 is an embedded controller with 64-bit Hardware Serial Number and based on MiniOS7 which is a DOS-like system that developed by ICPDAS Co., LTD. The MiniOS7 system can boot up in a very short time (0.4 ~ 0.8 second). The backplane equipped with four slots, it supports all the I-8K and I-87K series I/O modules such as DI, DO, DIO, AI, AO, Counter/Frequency, motion modules etc, and there four serial COM ports, including RS-232 and RS-485 ports for remote data acquisition and control applications, environmental monitoring, power management and factory automation.
The iP-8411 is designed for industrial monitoring,measurement and controlling. It has redundant power inputs with 1 kV isolation from noise and surges,and a wide range of operating temperature (-25 ~ +75 °C). It can work in the harsh and rough environment.